Yesterday, i finished my task from my art teacher in school to make a hand-made doll from many countries.
We are not allowed to make a doll of the same type of the other student have chosen to made.
E.g : I chose indonesian boy, so my friend can`t pick that again, haha.
(haha, Sombong mode : on, mentang-mentang uda berhasil buat tanpa dibuatin mba =p)
Because, these dolls can be made without sewing
Just only apply glue ^^
***African Boy ***Hawaiian Girl ***Korean Boy ***Mexican Boy
***Chinese Girl ***Chinese Boy ***Mongolian Boy ***Japanese Girl
***Indian Girl ***Netherland Boy ***Netherland Girl
Actually, there're also 3 more photos left.
Egypt Boy, Hawaiian Boy and Arabian Boy.
For that 3 photos i used my friend`s phone to photo and then later will be transferred to my phone by bluetooth. But unfortunately, the memory is high and the lay-out is different than the photos i made.
So, i didn`t put it here.
But it is also cute ^w^
Can you guess which doll did i make?
If you guess it right, i`ll give you 100 score. :D
And.. Which one you like the most?
Please vote..:D
Hahaha, ore beli satu yang kayak Tong Sam Cong itu. BOnekanya pada lucu, bingung juga milihnya.
boleh nech bwt anak gw..., nyarinya dmana yach???
(evil grins) May u send me one? I'll give it 2 my gf, kekeke (coz all r cute!)
dolls arround the world!! great :)
wah2 yg african boy kyk boneka dsensor tuh hahahaha~
Semuanya bagus, kreatif banget sih, salut...
i think... this really nice blog! about the doll's have u made it by your hand??.. good job for u friend.
@ all :
Thank u 4 ur comment ^^
yabb ini buat sendiri pake tangan.
Gampang kuq, ada panduannya gitu
gag usa dijait, tggl ngelem ^^
Tapi,.. gag da yang bisa tebak boneka buatanku yang mana ya? =)
aku milih yg chinese k 4!
yg buatan cc pasti yg belanda ke2, ya kan???
@ gio n cici frel:
sayang skali. tbkn anda b2 salah..
knp si pada nebaknya boneka buatan aku yg belanda ce? hahaha XD
scorenya 0! =p
wah.... kerennn
hii there..
keren2 juga bonekanya ^^
yang jepang itu bagus =)
kok kayak boneka voodoo ya?
wah lucu lucu ya bonekanya, apalagi yg african boy tuh
napa ga bikin boneka samurai aja kan bakalan keren tuh
lucu2 ya.........semuanya aku suka
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