June 17, 2015 / My Current Situation - Japan, I will be there soon! (Wish me super duper luck)

Hi everyone!! Miss me already? LOL.

You know, it`s been a while since I wrote my latest post.. Coz.. You know.. I`m a lazy people and it`s never that easy to cure a laziness haha. 

No lah, it`s just I just brought a brand new laptop recently!!! YEY!! Brought it using my own money I`ve been saving up from my hardwork before :') It`s not really expensive, but I`m satisfied. ^^

My old laptop has already been so old and slowwwwwwww~ And the other PC in the house is always occupied by my brother who's always sitting there playing DOTA, ALL THE TIME. (Since he's already in his school holidays). GRRRR! So you know why I have almost no time to open PC/laptop, let alone write. :( *excuse

As per now, no excuse anymore :P

Over these past few months when I`m no longer working and just living my life freely? (haha.) It just felt like time passes by so fast without you knowing it. Suddenly, it`s already June and it`s almost July and like OH MY GOD next month, just about 2 weeks more, I'll already be in Japan, my favorite country, EVER! I`m thrilled, yet also cowered in fear. :( God, help me.

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