10.24.2016 // Why Osaka? And perks of living in a big city in Japan

Hello all! Long time no see~! ;)

So, I`m currently working on a new blog post (like, finally) about places/prefectures in Japan I have visited which have taken some times now.... but isn`t seemed to be finished soon as I could mostly write on saturday/sunday only if I`m not going anywhere or if don`t have something else I got to do or if I`m in the mood to write again. LOL (Uh, I actually need more holidayyy and a time of my own~~) *well, just expect it to be a super-long-read! haha!

As a replacement for that post, thought I`ll write a "shorter" post to publish today just cause I don`t want to neglect this blog much longer anymore. ;(

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